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The Crystalline Song

There’s grass, the fields of verdant grass —
The land of elfins, fays and druids…
There, in the air warm and fluid,
Filled with the fragrant flower dust,
A fairy princess sings and sways
On ivy vines, her hair flying;
She joins the crystalline, divine
Chant of the grasslands and sunrays…
The sun unhurriedly descends,
Field crickets tune up their fiddles —
They are rehearsing for the midnight
When a moonlit show should commence.
It’s Gaea who conducts the band,
A keen and talented band-master;
The fairy princess, in all her lustre,
Shall lead the chorus of grasslands!
She’ll sing of magic and delight,
Her voice high pitched and crystal-clear —
This night the Nature is revealing
The secrets of the dark and light.
…All chorus is singing with one voice
A praise for holy grace and favour —
We’ll perish not but live forever,
For that’s God’s purpose for the Earth!