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All the world’s wisdom
         is contained in scriptures,
All music’s based
         on seven basic notes!
And Mozart, too,
         heard as the vernal leafage
Cuts through the stalks
         and joyfully explodes.
And how many letters
                  in there? —
Because the world
         speaks so many tongues.
There are more notes
         than we are aware
Creating “Requiem”
         and sacred chants.
The Universe benchmarks
         are strict and clear:
There’s birth — and death.
         (And life is but a flash!)
There is the drive,
         the immortality,
                  the Spirit.
The Light. The Dark.
         The Doomsday’s gloom and ash.
The struggle of fundamentals
         will abide.
The Word will heal the world
         and reign worldwide.