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The Masterpiece

…They are still vernal,
             these my dreams:
I dream of princesses and elfins,
Of knights and kings,
             of you, my prince
And that we’re still in our twenties…
Is half a century that much? —
But all is relative in nature…
Portray me, wizard of retouch,
Create a masterpiece unmatched!
Dissolve the light of your paint brush
In colour scheme of my wild dreaming,
But don’t shade that hectic blush
On lips of mine — they aren’t anemic…
Highlight my glow and bright eyes,
And make my back appear straighter…
Well now! Here it’s at last —
Me, looking like a fair maiden:
I see a forehead of Jeanne d’Arc
A proud posture of a dancer…
A work of fifty winters is done —
The canvas comes alive with answers!
…Maestro, pray you, take your time:
It’s only with you I’m patient:
Like Mona Lisa’s cryptic smile,
A timeless masterpiece you’re painting!